The following are guidelines for those requesting a pastor's form allowing you to recieve Catholic tuition at one of our local Catholic Schools:
If your child attends an elementary school, by signing the pastor's form, the parish is committing to support your child's school in the amount equivalent to one-half the Catholic tuition. This is approximately $2,600-$3,000, depending on the school.
If your child attends a high school, by signing the pastor's form, you receive the Catholic rate, but the parish is not requried to pay a subsidy (as of this date)
In order to be considered an active, supportive parishioner, you should be attending mass on a weekly basis, are involved in parish ministries, and are contributing a minimum of $35.00 per week. This amount would help cover part of the cost of the subsidy, and give the reduced tuition rate. This amount will also be tax deductible as it is a charitable donation.
Contact the office with an questions regarding these guidelines.