Secular Franciscans follow the OFS rule that requires us to spend time in the community with our Franciscan brothers and sisters.
We gather at least monthly. We support each other through the ups and downs of daily life. We pray together. We take opportunities to learn about our Church, our community, and our world.
Our rule mandates us to be involved in apostolic ministries and with youth.. when we are called to action, we embrace the call joyfully. Some of us are religious education teachers, some have a special ministry to animals. some have made a commitment to Perpetual Adoration. Some work with the poor and homeless. Some work in Soup Kitchens or visit the elderly and sick; some have youth ministries.
As a fraternity, we take action on issues that affect the lives of others. We do letter-writing campaigns in response to social justice issues; we support the efforts of our brothers and sisters who are serving the poor and lepers halfway around the world.